Riverside Collection Attorney: The Law Office of Timothy Krantz has provided debt collection services in Riverside for over 35 years. Our Riverside clients include businesses, individuals, corporations, lending institutions, secured and unsecured creditors, bankruptcy trustees, attorneys and law firms on a wide variety of commercial collection claims. As a collection law firm, we handle collection and legal matters for small business owners as well as for Fortune 500 companies with debtors in the Riverside area. Our legal representation for creditors extends all over the world and our experience in the practice of Collection Law has been tried and proven.
Timothy Krantz, Esq., a collection attorney and principal of the Law Office of Timothy Krantz, has been practicing Collection Law for over a quarter of a century. He is a respected member of the bar and of his community. Mr. Krantz’s practice is very active in the collection of accounts receivable, as well as business litigation, real estate and corporate and business law in Riverside. The firm specializes in representing a few good debt collection clients who want quality representation at a flexible and fair fee structure.
Our collection attorneys will aggressively and professionally collect or litigate all of your Riverside commercial bad debt claims. Our collection law firm, each attorney, collection staff and legal support personnel comply with the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the state collection laws that govern California third party debt collectors. The reputation that we have earned over the years as an “Riverside collection attorney” law firm speaks for itself. We are well regarded and respected in the field of Collection Law in not just the Riverside area but throughout the credit and collection industries respectively.
Each collection attorney, as well as our collection and legal support staff, are well seasoned professionals in both the debt collection process and the litigation process from beginning to end. We pride ourselves in providing quality representation at small law firm rates. All Riverside collection and litigation claims are handled in a manner commensurate with both immediate and long term success, parlaying positive results for each and every client. Providing our Riverside collection clients with superior service and support is an attribute that every member of our collection support team and each collection attorney regards very highly.
As we are not an Riverside collection agency per se, we are Riverside collection attorneys, with a collection and legal staff to provide your company with outstanding collection of bad debt claims and litigation throughout the Riverside judicial system. Each attorney is motivated and stands ready to serve your company through a collection and legal services campaign that will provide for the successful recovery of revenue that will aid your bottom line.
Contact our Riverside collection attorneys today and discover the difference we can make in turning your bad debt collection claims into revenue producing assets! You can reach us utilizing the information below:
949-752-2291 Office
949-752-2323 Facsimile
tkrantz@socalcollectatty.com Email